
Abstract Submission, Guideline for Abstract & Presentation Guideline 46thASMIUA


Rules and Regulation

Applied for Oral Free Paper, Poster Free Paper and Video Session.

Special attention to Video Session presenter: you only require to submit the abstract (not the video).

Before submitting the abstract, you are requested to carefully read the rules regarding abstract submission.

  • Abstract(s) may not have been published previously at the time of presentation of the ASMIUA congress.
  • Any human experimentation that has been conducted with respect to the submitted abstract(s), should have been conducted according to the protocol approved by the institutional or local committee on ethics in human investigation; or, if no such committee exists, the works should have been conducted in accordance with the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki of World Medical Association. Council may enquire further into ethical aspects when evaluating the abstract(s).
    All research involving human and animal subjects require ethical clearance. The IRB number should be declared.
  • In clinical studies, the authors must state that an Ethical Committee approval has been obtained.
  • Copyright of the abstract(s) is assigned to the Indonesian Urological Association any conflicts with any other scientific association will be the sole responsibility of the author(s).
  • All abstracts that are published, including figures and tables, are the property of Indonesian Urological Association and are protected by copyright. Requests for reuse of material can be done through.
  • The 46th ASMIUA Scientific Committee office reserves the right to obtain your raw data for statistical evaluation

  • All abstract(s) must be submitted in English. Applies also for the title, text body and author affiliations
  • Only abstract submitted through the website congress or congress email will be considered
  • Cancellation or name changes should be notified 1 month prior to the congress by email to [email protected]
  • Systematic reviews (with or without meta-analysis) can be submitted only when they meet the following standards :
    • The clinical question was clearly defined using a standard PICO (Population, Intervention, Comparison and Outcome) format
    • A comprehensive systematic literature search was carried out
    • An assessment of the risk of bias was made
    • Key findings are clearly described including clinical practice relevance

Each quoted author should have contributed substantially to the represented work in terms of conceptual design or analysis writing of article and final approval of the article in order to take public responsibility for the content.


The size of abstracts not more than 300 words and limited to 3,000 characters (including title, body of abstract, spaces tables and graphics). Every picture / graphic count for 500 characters.


The title should clearly define the topic. Do not identify your institution in the title. There is no maximum length for the title. However, the characters in the title are included in your total character count. The first letter of the title will automatically begin with a capital letter. Do type the abstract and title in small letters, except for abbreviations. Do not type the abstract title in capital letters.


Type full family name and first name of all authors, only omitting any titles, degrees and institutional affiliations. It is advisable to check the correct spelling of the family name and initials with each author. Please check that for authors from the same institution, the name of institution is written in the exact same way to avoid the creation of extra affiliations, which are in fact identical.


Type the name of the institution, department, city and country in English.

Body of the abstract

The following headings have already been formatted for you and should not be entered in the text fields again:

  • Introduction & objectives
  • Materials & methods
  • Results
  • Conclusion

State the objective of the study, describe the material and methods, summarize the results presenting sufficient details to support of the conclusions reached (not acceptable to state: “The results will be discussed”). Use number for numbers and only very well-known abbreviations e.g. kg, MRI etc. If you must use other abbreviations, you must explain it the first time it appears. You can use the special keys to insert tables, pictures or specific characters.

Proof reading

Verify that your abstract is correct and read the proof carefully that will be automatically shown after you have inserted all data. Keep a printout for your own records.


Abstract bodies will be published as submitted, except for a simple English spelling check. After submission deadline there is no possibility to edit the abstract anymore.

Submission Deadline

Deadline for abstract submission is June 30th, 2023, 23:59.59 Local Time.

Withdraw Abstract(S)

In case you want to withdraw your abstract after submission, please send an email before July 5th, 2023 to [email protected].


Should be received at the 46th ASMIUA secretariat before June 30th, 2023. After this date will not accepted


Submit your abstract to the www.asmiua2023.org before June 30th, 2023.

Online Submission

Click the submit abstract button to submit your abstract

*make sure the file conforms to the guidelines.

Educative Flyer and Educative Video Competition

Syarat dan Ketentuan Lomba “Educative Flyer and Educative Video Competition”:

  • Terbuka untuk umum atau berprofesi sebagai dokter
  • Durasi video maksimal 3 menit
  • Tema: Pelayanan yang Berhubungan dengan Urologi di Masyarakat
  • Ukuran flyer 800 x 800 pixel
  • Resolusi Video yang disarankan adalah 720p atau 1080p
  • Upload flyer atau video melalui www.asmiua2023.org
  • Flyer atau video tidak mengandung SARA dan tidak melanggar hukum/aturan yang berlaku
  • Peserta dapat mengirimkan lebih dari 1 flyer atau video
  • Flyer atau video yang dikirimkan merupakan karya asli pribadi/kelompok dan peserta wajib bertanggung jawab penuh terhadap karya yang dikirimkan
  • Flyer atau video yang dikirimkan menjadi milik panitia dan dapat secara bebas digunakan dalam rangka kegiatan di lingkungan IAUI dengan tetap memberikan hak ciptanya pada kreator
  • Pihak panitia dan dewan juri tidak bertanggung jawab atas hal apapun mengenai flyer atau video yang dikirimkan apabila terjadi penuntutan kepemilikan/hak cipta atas sebagian/seluruh bagian video yang dikirim dan hal-hal lainnya yang membuat kerugian dengan nilai ataupun tanpa nilai bagi peserta maupun pihak lain
  • Panitia berhak mendiskualifikasi flyer atau video peserta sebelum dan sesudah penjurian apabila dianggap tidak memenuhi ketentuan
  • Batas waktu pengiriman flyer atau video adalah
  • Flyer dan video yang sudah diupload akan ditayangkan pada akun media sosial ASMIUA
  • Hasil keputusan Penyelenggara bersifat final dan tidak dapat diganggu gugat

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Instruction video or flyer submission

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